During her time at Injex, we have sent Rachael to many advanced skin and laser seminars where she has been able to refine and develop her already impressive skill set. A big lover of dogs, Rachael was hand picked by our previous Dermal Therapist Jess (secretly we think because Jess loves dogs too), to replace her while she was on maternity leave, but she was so good we decided to keep her!
Position Beauty Therapist
Age 27
Started at Injex January 2018 / Client for 3 years before
Favourite food Eggs Benedict
Spirit animal Sea otter
Favourite treatment Tattoo removal
Most frequently asked question at work & answer?
Q: How do I get rid of pigment and sun damage?
A: Start with sunscreen daily, depending on the type of pigment will determine the type of treatment you can have. Best results are usually seen with laser or peels and skincare.
Fun fact about you If I wasn’t a Beauty Therapist I would move to Alaska and work with sea animals.
Favourite thing about work It’s like being back at school and getting to see your friends everyday. And I’m always learning something new to do with skin or even injectables.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring (not including food or water)?
My dog, SPF and a blanket