Position Eyelash Extension Technician
Age 22
Started at Injex 2018
Favourite food Carbonara with lots of cheese and penne pasta
Spirit animal Probably a fish because I never stop moving
Most frequently asked question at work & answer?
Q: Did you always want to do eyelashes?
A: Nah I’m actually a hairdresser by trade but decided I wanted to explore new areas of the beauty
industry and love it 🙂
Fun fact about you
I am getting married in October 2020 🙂
Favourite thing about work
To see the girls and my clients, I love my job and the people I get to see on a daily bases makes everything so much fun, I also love the reaction you get when you show someone the end result 🙂
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring (not including food or
V energy drink, togs, my fiance.